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ActionGPT vs Microsoft 365 Copilot A Comparison Guide

Are you finding it difficult to decide which AI tool is best for your needs? This ActionGPT vs. Microsoft 365 Copilot comparison guide has everything you need.

ActionGPT vs Microsoft 365 Copilot A Comparison Guide

Are you struggling to choose between ActionGPT and Microsoft 365 Copilot? It can be quite a task, as both of these tools enhance productivity in their own ways.

These tools offer powerful AI features, but they’re designed for entirely different purposes. You can save valuable time and effort in your daily tasks by understanding which one fits your needs best.

ActionGPT focuses on real-time collaboration and productivity during meetings, while Microsoft 365 Copilot is embedded in Microsoft’s suite to automate tasks like document writing and data analysis.

In this comparison guide, we’ll take a closer look at the features and differences between these two AI tools, so you can make the right choice. Let’s dig in.

ActionGPT vs. Microsoft 365 Copilot: What is ActionGPT?

ActionGPT is a smart AI tool designed to make your meetings, courses, and lectures more productive. It works in real-time, meaning it can listen to your meetings and help you collaborate instantly. This tool integrates smoothly with platforms like Zoom, YouTube, Udemy, Microsoft Teams, and Google Meet.

One of the standout features of ActionGPT is its ability to generate ideas and answer questions right when you need them during a meeting. Another powerful feature is real-time translation, which breaks language barriers during meetings.

Additionally, after each session, ActionGPT sends you an email with a list of action items and deadlines, helping you stay organized and ensuring you don’t forget any tasks discussed during the meeting.

Key Features

The most incredible and useful features of ActionGPT include:

  • Real-Time Meeting Listener: ActionGPT listens to your meetings or classes and captures key details as they happen.
  • Question Answering: During meetings, you can ask questions, and ActionGPT will provide instant answers, helping to clear up confusion or provide additional information.
  • Idea Generation: ActionGPT can help spark ideas or suggest solutions in the middle of a discussion, making brainstorming sessions more productive.
  • Summarization: After a meeting, it generates concise summaries, helping you quickly review what was discussed.
  • Translation: This feature allows you to follow meetings in different languages by providing real-time translations.
  • Action Items and Deadlines: ActionGPT emails you after each session with a clear list of tasks and deadlines, so you know exactly what to do next.

Pricing Plans

ActionGPT offers three different packages apart from the free one. Check the image below to see the pricing and features available in each package.


ActionGPT vs. Microsoft 365 Copilot: What is Microsoft 365 Copilot?


Microsoft 365 Copilot is an AI assistant built into the tools you may already be using, like Word, Excel, Outlook, and Teams. Copilot's main purpose is to help you complete tasks faster by assisting with writing documents, creating summaries, and even analyzing data in Excel.

It integrates directly into the Microsoft 365 ecosystem. For example, if you’re working on a report in Word, Copilot can offer suggestions, correct errors, and even generate content based on your inputs.

For businesses that rely on Microsoft products, Copilot is like an extra set of hands that can help you finish your tasks quicker. However, it’s mostly focused on tasks related to documents, spreadsheets, and team communication.

Key Features

The key features of Microsoft 365 Copilot include:

  • Document Writing Assistance: Copilot helps you create and edit documents in Word by offering suggestions, correcting errors, and even generating content based on your prompts.
  • Data Analysis in Excel: In Excel, Copilot helps you analyze your data, find patterns, and generate reports. This can save a lot of time when working with large datasets.
  • Task Automation: Copilot can automate repetitive tasks, such as scheduling meetings in Outlook or setting reminders in Teams. It helps to streamline your workflow.
  • Collaboration in Teams: Copilot helps with real-time collaboration in Teams by summarizing discussions and offering actionable insights during meetings.
  • Predictive Suggestions: Based on the content you’re working on, Copilot can offer predictions and recommendations to help you stay productive.

Pricing Plan

The image below shows how much it costs to purchase Microsoft 365 Copilot. However, to use this tool, you need a valid Microsoft 365 subscription first.


ActionGPT vs. Microsoft 365 Copilot: What Makes Them Different?

Here’s a comparison table that differentiates between the key features of both these AI tools.

FeaturesActionGPTMicrosoft 365 Copilot
Core FunctionalityReal-time meeting and collaboration toolAI assistant for document and task automation
Supported PlatformsZoom, YouTube, Udemy, Microsoft Teams, Google MeetWord, Excel, Outlook, Teams
Real-Time AssistanceListens, answers questions, generates ideas during live meetingsProvides document writing help, data insights, and task automation
CustomizationWorks with multiple platforms, highly flexible for different industriesFocuses on enhancing Microsoft 365 tools, limited outside these apps
Action Items & RemindersSends action items and deadlines after each sessionOffers task management within Microsoft 365 tools
Integration with Non-Microsoft ToolsIntegrates with multiple platforms and services like Zoom and Google MeetLimited to Microsoft 365 tools
Meeting CollaborationCollaborates in real time, answering questions and generating ideasNot designed for live meeting assistance
Meeting SummariesProvides real-time summaries for meetings, lectures, and coursesSummarizes documents, not meetings
Translation CapabilitiesReal-time translation during meetingsNo translation features
Platform IndependenceWorks across multiple platforms and devicesTied to the Microsoft ecosystem, limited platform flexibility
Post-Meeting Follow-UpSends post-meeting emails with action items and deadlinesNo post-meeting emails, focuses on task management inside the app
Training and LearningUseful for courses and lectures with tools like Udemy and YouTubePrimarily focused on office productivity, not learning platforms
AI-Powered Idea GenerationGenerates ideas during discussions and brainstorming sessionsNot designed for idea generation during meetings
Task AutomationAutomates action items and follows up after meetingsAutomates repetitive tasks in Microsoft 365 apps

Selecting the Perfect Tool: ActionGPT vs. Microsoft 365 Copilot

When deciding between ActionGPT and Microsoft 365 Copilot, the right tool depends on your needs.

If your focus is on managing and boosting productivity in real-time meetings, courses, or lectures, ActionGPT is the tool to go with. It supports a wide range of platforms, not just Microsoft apps, giving you flexibility. Its ability to listen to meetings, answer questions instantly, and provide summaries ensures you're always on top of your work.

If you already use Microsoft 365 tools daily and need help with document writing, data analysis, or task automation, then Microsoft 365 Copilot is a great companion. It fits perfectly into the Microsoft ecosystem, making tasks easier without switching between apps.

However, if you need a tool for real-time collaboration across different platforms, ActionGPT is the more versatile option.

Ending Note

So, that’s the end of our discussion on the comparison between ActionGPT and Microsoft 365 Copilot. Overall, ActionGPT is the better choice if you need a solution that works across various platforms and provides real-time support for meetings, notes, and tasks.

It scales well from small teams to large enterprises and keeps up with the latest technology to ensure you stay productive. With AI-driven innovation, real-time collaboration, and the ability to send actionable insights after every session, ActionGPT stands out as the tool to boost your productivity.